Temple Of Elemental Evil Unofficial Patch

Download The Temple of Elemental Evil Patch 2 for Greyhawk Temple of Elemental Evil at Game Front. The Temple of Elemental Evil on Windows XP Patch 2.

Location: Games The Temple of Elemental Evil Editors, Hacks, Mods Portraits.

Nov 10, 2003  Welcome to FilePlanet, You can start using our download services to download The Temple of Elemental Evil v1.0 Patch by creating a free account on.

Location: Games The Temple of Elemental Evil Official Patches Miscellanea

Temple of Elemental Evil Official Patch 1

A necessary download for anyone playing

the game. The official patch fixes a huge amount of bugs and

even adds some new game features like item descriptions and a

Note: Patch 2 contains all of the fixes that are presented in Patch 1 along with its own fixes; you do not need to install Patch 1 to install Patch 2. If you have already installed Patch 1, Patch 2 will still install properly.

Temple of Elemental Evil Official Patch 2

This patch fixes another batch of game bugs left uncorrected after the first patch.

Temple of Elemental Evil Official Patch 3

This patch only corrects problems associated with upgrading to DirectX 9.0c, specifically, the inability to loot bug.

Temple of Elemental Evil Unofficial Patch

Moebius s latest temple.dll currently

corrects more than 30 separate bugs of which quite a number

are considered to be major, also addresses the DX9c/XPSP2 looting

issue and adds a host of other modifications like the level

uncapper, ability to add higher level spells, Scorching Ray,

The playable demo lets you explore

the moathouse map with pre-created characters and also includes

Temple of Elemental Evil Trial

A 6 hour free trial of the game, with

unlimited executions. What you download is actually the whole

game, so for a fee you can unlock it fully.

Temple of Elemental Evil Walkthrough Video

This video is a great 10-minute walkthrough

of the many features of Temple of Elemental Evil, narrated by

members of the development team.

Temple of Elemental Evil Intro Movie

Watch a wonderful introduction of

computer graphics eye-candy from The Temple of Elemental Evil.

The movie length is 1min 14sec.

Temple of Elemental Evil Trailer

The first officially released trailer

showing some spectacular spell effects, monsters and fighting.

Temple of Elemental Evil Press Release

The official press release issued

on January 8, 2003, announcing the development of ToEE. Contains

Temple of Elemental Evil Developer Chat Log 1

The log of a chat with the Troika

team hosted by RPG Codex on Wed, 12th February, 2003. It is

full of interesting details about the game.

Temple of Elemental Evil Developer Chat Log 2

team hosted by RPG Codex on Fri, 2nd May, 2003. It is full of

interesting details about the game.

Temple of Elemental Evil Developer Chat Log 3

The edited log of a chat with Tim

Cain hosted by GameSpy on Fri, 5th September, 2003. It is full

of interesting details about the game.

Temple of Elemental Evil Developer Chat Log 4

team hosted by RPG Codex on Wed, 24th September, 2003. The chat

was held after the release of the game.

Temple of Elemental Evil Concept Art

A number of pieces of the game s concept

art, from buildings to creature models.

Temple of Elemental Evil Wallpaper

wallpaper made from the concept art of the Temple of Elemental

Evil. Two sizes are available:

Download The Temple of Elemental Evil 3.0 Patch

Location: Games The Temple of Elemental Evil Official Patches Miscellanea. Temple of Elemental Evil Unofficial Patch: 1.8MB: Download.

The Temple of Elemental Evil; Developer s Troika Games: Publisher s Atari: Director s Tim Cain: Producer s Thomas R. Decker Todd Hartwig: Designer s Tim Cain.

Nov 07, 2003  Temple of Elemental Evil patch on the way The Temple of Elemental Evil, Unofficial NBA 2K16 Team.

The Temple of Elemental Evil Official Patches & Miscellanea

Troika finishes work on its turn-based Dungeons Dragons game, putting it on schedule to ship late this month. Sep 5, 2003 am The Temple of Elemental Evil Preview.

Temple Of Elemental Evil Level Cap Remover Without this patch, The Remover definitely works with the unofficial Circle of Eight patch 3.x.

Long ago, in the land of Flanaess, an evil demoness founded a cult dedicated to exploring evil in its most elemental forms.

Long ago, in the land of Flanaess, an evil demoness founded a cult dedicated to exploring evil in its most elemental forms. This cult was based in a temple just outside the village of Hommlet in a vile shire known as Nulb.

Soon, this cult ruled the region with tyranny; times of chaos and violence ensued. Hard-fought battles were waged and the war was eventually won by the good armies of nearby lands. The temple was razed, the villains were imprisoned, and order was restored. The temple itself faded into distant memory until now.

Recently, bandits have begun patrolling the roads outside Hommlet and wicked forces are rumored to be afoot, converging on the ruined temple at Nulb. Their purposes for such meetings are as yet unknown. The identity of these people are equally a mystery. Some claim they are bent on slaying monsters and maintaining order within the region, but no one can be sure.

So begins your adventure within the Realm of Greyhawk. It is an adventure that will lead to the source of a deep and abiding mystery, to the very core of evil itself.

This patch will update your Greyhawk: Temple of Elemental Evil to v3.0 with a fix to a loot bug related to DirectX 9.0c.