Palm Zire Driver Windows 7

Zire 72s - trusty and dependable and depended on.   Would not sync with my new Windows 7 laptop - Home Premium version grossly misnamed as it s the very basic lowest-common-denominator version for PCs.

1 - Bought the Anytime Upgrade to Professional - about 90 at Staples

2 - Upgraded the laptop - very time-consuming and difficult, but finally worked and now says professional on the splash screen.  The upgrade process is arcane and klutsy, but I finally got it to work on my 4th try

3 - Ran the XP emulator virtual machine - it ran first time I tried

4 - Downloaded the Palm Desktop version 6.something and installed same

5 - Ran the Palm Desktop, and then clicked on USB at the top of the XP screen - it recognised the Zire.

no IRd, no bluetooth, no hardware.  Just to Microsoft to get one of their products to do what it should have done in the first place.

I just tried to hot sync my Palm Zire 71 to a new Windows 7 Pro 64 bit - after installing the driver from Aceeca. The device manager tells me the driver has been successfully installedbut I get nothing when I try a hot sync. Does this driver from Aceeca go on top of i.e. in addition to the original Palm software. If so, I cannot locate my original cd from Palm. Please advise.

I have had a Palm Pilot 3C and enjoyed its contact lists on my computer.  Recently updated to a Windows 7 and was told that I could not transfer the Palm contact list to my new computer.  Any help.

Ok, looking at my Palm Desktop Memo files, I have all the same files but the file sizes are all the same.

Since you can see Memo in Palm Desktop, I d skip the first suggestion.

First thing to do:  Copy the entire Memo folder someplace else for safety.  Close Palm Desktop, if still open.

BTW, you must ALWAYS close the Palm Desktop 6.2.2 program before shutting off your computer.  This version has a known bug of losing data if the program is running and computer is shut off.

I m using Windows 8.1, but I think the File Explorer looks the same.  Open File Explorer on your computer, navigate to the Memo folder, then click View at the top menu bar.   Look to the right side of the option and see if File Name Extensions is checked.  If not, check it.

Now look at the files.  We re going to rename two of them.

MemoPad.mdb the file without an extension to MemoPad.OLD

Now reopen Palm Desktop and cross your fingers.    Let me know what happens.


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Windows Phone Users Hung by Update Hack. Users of an unofficial updater for Windows Phone 7 have gotten themselves in a jam that may prevent them from ever.

Hot Sync Palm Zire 71 windows 7 failure - HP Support Forum - 2037852

This page contains Palm Zire 21 drivers for free download for several os include Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS and other.

Palm. Palm launched WebOS, then called Palm webOS, in January 2009 as the successor to Palm OS. The first webOS device was the original Palm Pre, released.

I have gotten the aceeca drivers installed successfully, but my palm zire 71 will still not hotsync. It shows up in the Device manager as a palm device but when i.

On source public manual collected drivers base for free download.

palm zire driver windows 7

The Palm Pre / ˈ p r iː /, styled as palm prē, 2 is a multitask smartphone that was designed and marketed by Palm with a multi-touch screen and a sliding keyboard.